Alexis Ralphs

I'm Alexis, father of four and founder of One Hundred Toys, Get Set Five, A Year With My Child. I taught in London primary schools for thirteen years, specialising in the early years. I studied at the Institute of Education, part of the University of London, both for my PGCE and my as-yet-unfinished masters. I'm especially interested in schemas and how they help us understand the motivations behind toddlers' play.

Guide to Puzzles

What’s so special about puzzles?  Why are they such a perennial classic, a winning gift that every child is happy to receive? They are the antithesis of open-ended play, the approach that we champion here at 100 Toys. And yet they have a unique magic that captivates children for long stretches of time. What’s their secret? 

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Risky play

While we don’t want to encourage parents to wilfully put your child in dangerous situations, we do also believe that children who are allowed to assess and take their own risks make more confident, curious learners, who can confront their fears and understand they are in control of their own destiny. So much of the

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Cooperative play

Two children co-operating and playing together

As children approach school age they begin to participate in cooperative play. This is the final stage of the six stages of play and the most sophisticated. It’s the kind of play you get when children play together, assigning roles and agreeing the rules of the game, however arbitrary they may be. You will find

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