Alexis Ralphs

I'm Alexis, father of four and founder of One Hundred Toys, Get Set Five, A Year With My Child. I taught in London primary schools for thirteen years, specialising in the early years. I studied at the Institute of Education, part of the University of London, both for my PGCE and my as-yet-unfinished masters. I'm especially interested in schemas and how they help us understand the motivations behind toddlers' play.

Small world play

A small world play scene with wooden animals

Have you heard of small world play? In this type of play, children can build, create and imagine, all in a small, safe and manageable ‘world’ of their own making. It’s imaginative play, only it’s more contained, often in a space that your child can return to again and again. What is small world play?

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Open-ended play

A child enjoying open-ended play with blocks

Open-ended play is brilliant. It encourages experimentation and perseverance and keeps your children busy for hours, buying you the time to have five minutes’ rest and a nice cup of tea. In this guide we’ll look at how you can get more of it in your life. What is open-ended play? As a child, do you

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