Maria Walewska-Chmiel

I'm Maria, MD by profession, also a Reggio- and Montessori-inspired Early Childhood Educator, RIE enthusiast, caring for children and carefully observing their development by passion. I'm interested in neuroscience and the ways it can inform the activities we offer our children.

Tips for Traveling with Children

Undoubtedly, we are in a period of smaller and larger trips using various means of transportation. Traveling with children can be a significant challenge. Children handle it differently; some do well, while others struggle. The tricky part is that even those who have previously had no issues with several-hour flights or car trips might “surprise” […]

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Developing fine motor skills through everyday tasks

A child pressing a tomato onto a pizza

As you watch your toddler grow, you’ll marvel at the developing skills they show every day. One of these essential skills is their fine motor skills, the foundation for tasks as simple as feeding themselves and as complex as writing their first letters. You can help them improve their fine motor skills through everyday tasks, making

Developing fine motor skills through everyday tasks Read More »