Heuristic play

Here is a toddler and here is a cardboard box. Curious, the little boy crawls inside. He peers out, like a fox from his den, pleased with his work. He tugs at one of the flaps. Now you see me, now you don’t. It’s a discovery that amuses him greatly and he repeats the action […]

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Sorting activities | Help to your child organise her thinking

Sorting is the most important activity your child will ever do. Without it, no other kinds of play are possible. And done right it’s a superpower. In this simple guide we’ll explore different sorting activities and how best to introduce them. What is sorting and why is it important? Sorting is simple. Just group things

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Listening activities for young children

A boy listening to rustling leaves

Listening activities for young children are an important part of early childhood development. From story time to music appreciation, these top listening activities provide a foundation for learning and social skills that will last throughout their lives. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of these activities, the different types of materials available, strategies

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