
Imitation in childhood | How your child learns and how you can help

You’ll often hear me say that children learn through play, that you should provide open-ended materials to encourage exploration and discovery. But it’s not completely true. There’s a more powerful and primitive force at work that shapes your child’s learning long before she starts to experiment with paint or collage, blocks or natural materials: Imitation.

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Higher-order thinking skills: how to create an agile mind

Develop higher-order thinking skills with block play

Are you familiar with this illustration: It’s Bloom’s taxonomy. A taxonomy is a classification, and here we are classifying thought. Some cognitive challenges are harder than others. Basic recall (the bottom of the pyramid) is fairly straightforward (until you get to my age, at least!). Applying what you know is more of a challenge and

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Vocal development in babies, infants and toddlers

Opera singer and vocal coach Mary Cole explains vocal development in young children and shows us how we can help inspire our children’s vocal confidence from an early age. Table of contents Introduction Vocal development in newborns Vocal development in infants Vocal development in toddlers Final word Introduction It was a warm evening in late March when I

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Speech and language development in babies and toddlers

How do children learn to communicate? How does language happen and is it something that can be nurtured? Early Years teacher, Emma Gouldbourn, looks at the fascinating process of our children’s language, from baby babble through to toddler talk. Table of contents Introduction Baby babble How to create a communication friendly space How to encourage speech and

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