The discovery years
Toddler development
As they grow out of their babyhood and into a toddler, the experiences your child enjoys can have a huge impact on the way she approaches life. Curiosity, determination, focus and an appetite for learning (and fun!) can all be fostered and developed at this flourishing time.
Time to explore
As your child learns to separate from you, allow her the time and space to make her own discoveries. Toddlers are no different to adults: we all learn best when solving problems of our own choosing.
Gross motor development
As your child learns to separate from you, allow her the time and space to make her own discoveries. Toddlers are no different to adults: we all learn best when solving problems of our own choosing.
Heuristic play
Toddlers love to experiment. Whether it’s destruction-testing a toy or endlessly repeating an action, it’s how they make sense of the world.
Language development
If you only do one thing with your toddler, have a conversation.
Entertainment is the enemy. Make time for boredom. It fosters independence, creativity, motivation and resilience.
A Year With My Child
It’s hard coming up with new things to do with a toddler. And checking Pinterest for inspiration leaves you drained. Yet more things to buy and an elaborate set-up for something your child may never engage with.
A Year With My Child is here to help.
Learn how to get more play with less stuff with our weekly email course. Read more here
The 100 Toys Method
Our introductory guide will help you declutter and get back to basics
Understand how children learn and the key changes they go through.
Introduce open-ended activities that encourage independent play.
Are you ready for school?
Do you have a preschooler? Would you like them to develop some key skills before starting school? How wonderful to go into school on that first day feeling like you belong.
Get Set Five is a year-long course full of fun and free activities to do with your child.